How Top Leaders Are Transforming Workplace Culture

How Top Leaders Are Transforming Workplace Culture

Epoch and Fooda hosted a Happy Hour for leaders and innovators in the Employee Experience space to mix and mingle in Atlanta. The event also featured a panel discussion moderated by Jade, Epoch's CEO and co-founder, featuring Dr. Kevin Calhoun, Talent Leader and DEI Strategist at Coca-Cola Beverages Florida, and Ashley Wilson, Senior Manager of Employee Experience at Intuit Mailchimp.

Meet the experts behind the conversation: Ashley and Kevin

Ashley is the Senior Manager of Employee Experience at Intuit Mailchimp. She manages 16 sites globally, including 11 across the Americas, giving her plenty of hands-on experience with global, site-wide engagement initiatives.

Kevin brings a wealth of experience from his time at Cash App, LiveVox, Priceline, and SunTrust. Now leading talent management and DEI at Coca-Cola Beverages Florida, Kevin oversees an organization that has been recognized as a U.S. Best Managed Company for three consecutive years.

Making events local: Adapting to cultural differences across sites

Ashley and Kevin emphasized the importance of localizing events for different geographical audiences to maintain the culture of each site.

Ashley explained how Mailchimp ensures consistency across its global sites by sticking to key elements (like food and photo booths) while allowing flexibility for office-specific culture. For example, when planning a music event in Atlanta, they avoided country music, recognizing that it wasn’t the best fit for their team’s preferences.

Kevin echoed this sentiment and emphasized not only the importance of the culture of the organization but also that of the local geography. For example, they shipped 200 Christmas hams to their team in the Philippines, a local favorite, showing that their gifts were thoughtful and intentional, not cookie-cutter.

Workplace initiatives that foster real connections

Ashley highlighted an initiative that tied employees to the history of Mailchimp and a love of learning and reading. They partnered with a local bookstore, Little Shop of Stories, to bring a book fair to the office where employees received one free book and could purchase more. This event was strategically scheduled after an all-hands meeting, during which most of the people were in the office, and over 400 employees participated. The initiative fostered ongoing connections, with employees continuing to discuss books and initiating book swaps.

Kevin highlighted a Black History Month event that transformed into something much bigger. He wanted to do more than a panel and decided to create a book club centered around Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between the World and Me. Employees from all backgrounds, including senior leadership, engaged deeply, sharing personal stories and emotional moments.

This initiative wasn’t just about discussing a book, it became a space for people to connect on a more human level, seeing their similarities and honoring their differences. It fostered real psychological safety, where employees felt comfortable being vulnerable.

Winning leadership support: Speaking their language

Ashley emphasized the importance of ensuring that every gathering has a clear purpose tied to a business case. Kevin highlighted that buy-in from leadership often stems from demonstrating how these initiatives align with company values and norms, rather than focusing solely on financial impact. Leadership tends to prioritize the bottom line, so it's crucial to communicate in terms that resonate with decision-makers, focusing on how these programs contribute to long-term goals and overall success.

Creating inclusive opportunities for growth

At Coca-Cola Florida, there's never a shortage of things to do because everyone wants them to sponsor or show up to their events. Kevin's goal is to invite in voices that aren’t always included. He ensures that top talent and those with a desire to move up in the organization have a seat at the table and an opportunity to contribute.

Employee engagement with pride

Swag is a big part of the culture for the Intuit Mailchimp team. Each year at Atlanta Pride, employees wear t-shirts and pins, symbolizing their buy-in and desire to be part of something bigger. It’s a simple yet powerful way to build a sense of belonging.

Kevin elaborated on the Pride effort, highlighting that while swag may seem like a small token, it symbolizes, “I’m in this with you.” It’s about making people feel included and supported. Whether it’s through branded gear or resources, it’s about ensuring safe spaces aren’t just talked about but actively created.

Kevin explained, “Just because you call a space safe doesn’t mean everyone feels included.” Safe spaces require action - being an “accomplice,” not just an ally. Swag becomes a symbol of commitment, showing that an organization is walking the walk and bringing people together.

How to create buzz for internal events

Clarity and visibility are key when spreading the word about internal programs and initiatives.

For starters, workplace screens displaying carousels of upcoming events are a great way to inform in-office employees. Kevin also noted that managers play a crucial role in championing initiatives. Their support is essential for spreading the word to their teams.

Ashley emphasized the “rule of seven” - people need to see or hear about something multiple times before it sticks. Mixing up communication methods is vital, such as using digital screens, placing signs in high-traffic areas like lobbies, and sending weekly Slack messages summarizing the week’s events.

Measuring success with data: Tangible KPIs 

When it comes to establishing tangible KPIs for employee engagement initiatives, both Ashley and Kevin emphasize the importance of data-driven approaches.

Ashley highlighted the value of surveys in gathering honest feedback from employees. By incorporating actionable items based on survey results, she not only improves future initiatives but also shows employees that their voices are heard. Her team tracks attendance and gathers data points to report success to leadership, especially with many managers working remotely. Additionally, sharing photos and employee testimonials through Slack serves as a gauge of satisfaction and engagement.

Kevin takes an analytical approach, conducting longitudinal analyses to identify potential issues related to attrition and employee development. His goal is for every employee to have a development plan by 2026, ensuring accountability for both employees and leaders.

Return to office engagement 

In addressing the challenge of keeping employees engaged despite dissatisfaction with Return to Office (RTO) policies, offering consistent, enjoyable events that employees look forward to is key. Weekly office pop-ups, often centered around food, have proven effective. These moments foster a sense of community and make the office a more inviting place.

Beyond professional development, focusing on personal growth can also enhance engagement, especially in RTO environments. Audience members emphasized offering events that cater to employees’ personal well-being, such as financial wellness seminars or unique programming like "Rainbow Parenting," a panel with a child psychologist during Pride. These sessions provide valuable resources that employees might not access on their own, making them more eager to participate in events that enrich their lives beyond the workplace

How Epoch can help

Use Epoch to plan your employee events and programs, then track analytics on how the events went! Epoch is an employee engagement platform used by people teams at Reddit, Asana, and more. Epoch supports any internal event that needs email, Slack announcements and reminders, calendaring, and reporting. On top of impactful engagement and feedback analytics, Epoch provides a simple way to communicate and promote events to your workforce, helping events reach employees where they prefer to receive messages.

Increase productivity and connection among employees through company culture with Epoch. Curious to learn more? Book a demo today!

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