Join the Employee Experts community

An invite-only community for connecting like-minded individuals in the employee experience space. Get access to a private Slack community and event invites.

This is a safe environment for meaningful conversations and connections.

A curated community made just for you

Epoch's community is a place for individuals in the engagement and culture space to come together and lean on one another for support, share ideas, and build connections.

Share strategies and network with industry leaders

You're not alone. Join other leaders and innovators in discussing whatever's top of mind – sharing challenges in your role, crowdsourcing ideas, co-developing strategies to tackle industry trends, and more.

Exclusive access to resources

Private Slack community

Join discussions for resources, tips and tricks, and all things employee experience.

Invite-only roundtables

Get exclusive invites to safe and insightful discussions on industry challenges.

Local in-person events

Connect with like-minded individuals and build your network in the industry.

Recommended vendors

Get vendor inspiration for your internal events from others who can vet them.

Job opportunities

Share and receive job postings from people you trust in the community.

Apply for an invitation

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