Virtual Event Planning Checklist ✅

Virtual Event Planning Checklist ✅

With remote work and hybrid models becoming the new norm for many companies, it's important to consider all aspects of hosting a virtual event. Previous event planning processes or checklists for in-person events won't cover everything you need to be considering for a virtual event.

Looking for an easy process for your event planning team to follow when planning your next virtual event? Look no further!

We have put together a checklist of what to consider when hosting a virtual event for your team to help you get started.

2 - 6 Months Before the Event ⏰

Let's start planning your event! Time to get creative and choose an event that your entire company will enjoy.

🔲 Brainstorm & choose an event idea/theme

🔲 Assign the roles and responsibilities for your event

  • Make sure everyone knows what they are responsible for and when.

🔲 Schedule the event's date & time

  • Choose a date & time that works for majority of employees.
  • Keep in mind time zones and international holidays so you choose something that works for everyone.
  • Determine the duration for the event and remember to leave time before and after the event as a buffer incase the event goes over.

1 - 2 Months Before the Event 📣

Your event is ready to go so let's spread the word to employees and start getting people to sign up and register!

🔲 Promote your event

  • When promoting your event to your team members, provide them with the virtual meeting link if you have it (eg. Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Teamflow).
  • Ensure all attendees are provided with the accurate event details (eg. date, time).
  • It is also beneficial to share the purpose and goals of your event, as it can grab the attention of your audience and spark interest.
  • Promoting your event within your workplace, shows that every individual is welcome to join.

🔲 Send attendees surveys beforehand

  • Understand what resources your employees have/need to purchase, that are needed for the event.
  • Ask your employees specific questions about themselves before the event to get a better insight on how you want to carry out the event.
  • Capture addresses if there is a kit or gifts to send out and gather topic requests for the event if applicable.

🔲 Send attendees their confirmation

  • Let your attendees know that you appreciate their attendance and confirm that they have secured a spot for the event.
  • This could be done through an automated email (attendees will automatically receive a confirmation and thank you note once they signed up for the event).

1 - 2 Weeks Before the Event 📝

Provide attendees with all of the relevant information they need to know for the event to prepare them.

🔲 Gather a list of necessary materials for the event

  • Give attendees a list of what they should bring to the event and any other instructions.
  • If attendees do not have the needed material, have the option to send some resources or offer substitutions.

Week of the Event 🖥

Time to finish the final event preparation tasks. This is when it starts to get exciting!

🔲 Test meeting link & finalize attendance

  • Ensure meeting link is working (Have a backup meeting link incase the first one doesn't work on the day of the event).
  • Create fun Zoom backgrounds for participants to use during the virtual event!
  • Final attendance check of how many will be attending.

🔲 Finalize event activities

  • Coordinate with external guests or vendors to ensure everything is set for the day of the event.
  • Ensure all tools and materials for the event activities are finalized and ready.

🔲 Create schedule for the event day

  • Set the schedule for the day of the event so everyone on the event team knows what is happening and when.
  • Can include a breakdown of what you are saying throughout the event, when activities are happening throughout the event, who is responsible for what task, etc.

Day of The Event 🎉

The day of your event has arrived! Before your event, let's take a few deep breaths! 🧘

🔲 Send a reminder to attendees right before the event starts

🔲 Follow the event schedule and make sure everyone on the event team has a copy

  • Share the agenda with attendees and note when they will have time for a break if it’s a longer event.

🔲 Greet attendees as they join the virtual event

🔲 Utilize virtual meeting platform tools to keep audience engaged

  • For meeting platforms like Zoom, use Zoom polls, raise hand feature, emoji reactions, etc. to engage attendees throughout the event.
  • Record the event for those who are unable to attend.
  • Have someone monitor the online chat during the event to respond to employees and answer any questions.

Right After The Event 👍

After such a successful event, it's time to gather feedback from attendees and wrap up the last few tasks!

🔲 Send feedback surveys to all attendees

  • What they enjoyed about the event?
  • How they feel about the topics discussed?
  • Would they join a similar event in the future?
  • What could be done differently to make the event more enjoyable?
  • Any question that will provide constructive criticism?

🔲 Send thank you notes to attendees, volunteers, guests, sponsors

🔲 Gather all event expense receipts & update event budget

1 - 3 Days After the Event ✅

Ahhh you now get to celebrate the successful event you and your team planned!

🔲 Post-event publicity

  • Post the event recording link for those who were unable to attend.
  • Share event highlights, images and video clips on social media.
  • Add event highlights to the website.
  • Highlight the event in an internal and/or external Newsletter.

🔲 Evaluate the event

  • Meet with your team to celebrate the successes and discuss the challenges within your event.
  • Review event tools and vendors used (and if you would use them again).

🔲 Review Feedback from attendees

  • Use the responses to help guide the planning for your next event.

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